Rickson Yang
Full Stack | Infra | Tinkerer


My name is Rickson (Ri Xin). I study Software Engineering at the University of Waterloo and I love tinkering and everything hackable.

I enjoy building and tinkering full-stack applications, infrastructures, and dev-utilities. I like to keep up-to-date with the community by going to hackathons, and trying out new tech.

Some of the main technologies I use are Node.js/Express, GraphQL, React, Typescript, Java, and Python. I am also a big Emacs nerd who loves experimenting with workflow setups.

( ̄︶ ̄)↗(M-x butterfly)


A full-stack web app that offers a platform which allows users to create rooms, code, and chat together.
A map-oriented web app that connects local anecdotes and thoughts about the new vaccines.
A minimal Pomodoro Android app with customization options.
Gyroll Maze
A Gyroscope-controlled 3D marble tilt maze game using DFS maze generation.
Java Paint
A full featured painting program written from scratch in Java.
Project Witchcraft
An arcade bullet-hell game powered by Python and Pygame.
A web app which converts pictures of fragmented notes into structured notes.
Made with React and Gatsby